dimanche 4 novembre 2007

How to make a Google search

Type the subject of your research.

Google kitten's search

Click on the button "Google Search".

Google kitten's search click

And there it is.

Google kitten's search results

In the next tutorial : how to search images with google from the results.

Edit, Tuesday, november 6st, 2007, 12:00p.m. :

It was a private joke with a friend, sorry for the idiocy of the post :$

mercredi 11 avril 2007

How to make the 911 more efficient

An interesting article of the New York Times about the reaction of the 911's call centers in front of the new technologies, pointing that certain states have less funds than others and the difficult for them to be up to date.

An S O S for 911 Systems in Age of High-Tech

vendredi 23 mars 2007

Wii love Nights

A good news, a sequel of Nights, the best Sega Saturn’s game, is envisaged by SEGA for the Nintendo Wii.

Nights Into Dreams is one of my favorites videogames, I’m waiting it impatiently :)

Nights bientôt sur Wii ? Pourquoi pas

vendredi 7 juillet 2006

Thomas Reiter onboard the ISS

Thursday was a great day. Thomas Reiter, the german ESA spationaut, is now onboard the ISS for five to seven months where he incorporates the expedition 13.

Picture of Thomas Reiter onboard the ISS.

My first topic in English :)

ESA astronaut Thomas Reiter reports for duty onboard the ISS
„Discovery“ hat an die ISS angedockt
Shuttle Docks Smoothly With Space Station

Credits: NASA TV